It's a great moment for team Delhi Crime, the web-series that won the Best Drama Series award at the 48th International Emmys on November 23. Richie Mehta directorial Delhi Crime is a fictionalised crime drama, based on the painstaking investigation into the 2012 Delhi gang-rape. The web-series stars Shefali Shah, Rasika Dugal, Adil Hussain, Rajesh Tailang, Vinod Sherawat, Denzil Smith, Gopal Dutt, Yashaswini Dayama and Jaya Bhattacharya. Richie, in his acceptance speech, paid tribute to the victim and her mother. He dedicated the award to all the women who not just endure the violence that so many men inflict on them, but are then tasked to solve the problem. Shefali Shah, who played the lead role of Vartika Chaturvedi in Delhi Crime, couldn’t control her excitement over the big win, Congratulatory messages poured in from many including Vidya Balan, Zoya Akhtar, Hrithik Roshan, Kubbra Sait. Delhi Crime is the first program from India to win an Emmy award. It premiered on Netflix in March 2019 to rave reviews. Delhi Crime recreates the police investigation, tracing the pursuit of the six men behind the 2012 Delhi gang rape and murder. Prime Video's Four More Shots Please was also nominated for the Best Comedy Series at the 48th International Emmys while actor Arjun Mathur was up for the Best Actor award for his role in Made In Heaven.
InternationalEmmyAwards2020 #DelhiCrimeSeries